The article focuses on analyzing artistic forms constructed in contemporary Anglophone poetic discourse. Dominant characteristics of the latter are as follows: eclecticism, genre hybridity, interactivity, non-linearity, irrationality, anti-conceptuality, and mobility. An artistic form includes the whole range of elements composing a poetic text. From the standpoint of multimodality, the paper outlines verbal semiotic mode in constructing artistic forms, which includes words, word combinations, verbal and artistic images, as well as composition in general. Depending on poetic discourse genre, these could be printed poetic texts, mobile verbal images in digital environment or texts made of wood or other material and installed in real world locations. Auditory mode embraces sounds and sound repetitions, rhyme, rhythm, intonation, and also melody accompanying a poetic text in digital format. The context of visual mode presupposes visual form of a poetic text, mobile images or still illustrations as poetic text components. Artistic forms are multimodal construals created in contemporary Anglophone transgenre poetic discourse at the intersection and in interaction of verbal, visual, and auditory semiotic modes. The article views intermediality of artistic forms functioning in contemporary Anglophone poetic discourse as interaction of techniques and means from different kinds of art in their creation. In the analyzed discourse it is manifested in the following aspects: musicalization of poetry, visualization of poetry. Artistic forms constructed in such discourse create theatricality effect. The authors of the analyzed texts make some kind of performance by experimenting with poetic form and content, genre hybridization, integration of various semiotic modes and artistic forms.
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