Keywords: discourse, pedagogical discourse, linguistics, text, communication


This paper calls into question on the pedagogical discourse in the framework of discourse typology. It is generally accepted that the concept of «discourse» is widely considered to be multidisciplinary, because it is the research subject in a number of humanities. In the literature there seems to be no general definition of “discourse”, thus it is commonly investigated. Depending on the subject of research, each scholar defines the term “discourse” in his own way. The central discourse typology has not been established yet. The existing scientific approaches to the classification of discourse are determined and investigated. As a result of the research it was found that in the paradigm of sociolinguistic parameter pedagogical discourse is interpreted as an institutional type of discourse characterized by certain system-forming features (participants, purpose, strategies, genres etc.). It is identified that in the linguistic literature the term “pedagogical discourse” is defined as teaching and education theories functioning. Other researchers would seem to suggest that there may be other possible explanations of the term “pedagogical discourse”. In general terms, “pedagogical discourse” is generally understood to mean a social practice that has a pedagogical purpose – socialization. This paper has underlined the most widespread research interpretations of the concept of “discourse” within modern linguistic paradigm. The concept of “discourse” evolution is stated. The existing main scientific approaches to the definition of “discourse” from the standpoint of domestic and foreign researchers are examined, introduced and discussed. A recent review of the literature on this topic found that there is no clear definition of “pedagogical discourse”. Given that our definition of “pedagogical discourse” is based on the results from such analyses. The author’s definition of “pedagogical discourse” is proposed, which is defined as a systematic process of speaker interaction within the pedagogical situation, where participants use extralinguistic, pragmalinguistic and linguistic sign systems.


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How to Cite
Sytnyk, I. V. (2021). PEDAGOGICAL DISCOURSE IN DISCOURSE TYPOLOGY. New Philology, (83), 244-250.