The article highlights the lexical-semantic and genre features of modern English-language military professional language, which, due to the diversity of military knowledge, is characterized by interdisciplinarity. The relevance of the study is due to the rapid militarization of the society against the background of military-political reforms caused by the escalation of armed confrontations on the global scale, which serves as an impetus for the rapid development of military language, and therefore, is important and interesting material to study. It is noted that due to the specific communicative-functional orientation, the professional language of the military sphere operates within three functional styles of language (official, publicistic and scientific). From the point of view of the general typology of the professional language, most of the genres, assigned to the military sphere, concern intraprofessional communication, which does not go beyond the professional community. It is emphasized that the military professional language is rapidly developing during military conflicts under the influence of a number of extralinguistic factors, which are as follows: the specifics of activities, the degree of participation in armed conflicts of the masses and the degree of transformation of the way of living of the entire language community during such conflicts, the social type of military conflicts. Intra-professional genres in the military professional language are considered. They are divided into: 1) those that are focused on objectification (military journalism, military-scientific communication, military-didactic communication); 2) genres of regulatory nature (instructions, orders, commands, instructions, etc.). The distinctive features of the communication within the professional language under study are outlined, reflecting in the rigid structure of the military documentation, the genre of which is determined by the means of communication and role aspects. There are two main groups of the military vocabulary (military-applied terminology, which includes official/ statutory and non-statutory terminology; and emotionally colored vocabulary. The specifics of the use of the certain military terms in view of the American and British military context are revealed.
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