Keywords: translation transformations, loan translation, loose translation, word-for-word translation, figures of speech


The article highlights and analyzes the features of advertising text, which is considered as a short information message created to stimulate sales of a product or service. This is a message that has a strong persuasive effect, expressed through the linguistic means of speech. Advertising texts are often aimed at a large audience and are designed to persuade that audience to buy a particular product. Therefore, the main task of the translator is to preserve this goal, which requires taking into account certain features and functions in the translation process. The article examines the structure of advertising text and highlights its main parts. It was found that the translation of the advertising text depends on the sphere of communication, which can be represented by the following blocks: trade and commercial, socio-cultural, educational and professional, family and household, sports and health The tasks for advertising translation are unified and the stages of work with advertising text are considered. Regularities and specifics of selection of language means for giving the text of advertising expressiveness, laconic informativeness, attractiveness and persuasiveness for the purpose of the maximum influence on the potential consumer are revealed. It is established that when translating advertisements, two main methods are usually used: loan translation and various kinds of translation transformations. The types of translation used in the translation of advertising texts are defined. It was found that the translation of the advertising text is similar in its complexity to the translation of a fiction. The figures of speech used in the translation of advertising are analyzed. It is established that allegory, metaphor, comparison, parallelism, different types of repetitions, alliteration, onomatopoeia, concentration of imperative verb forms and connotative adjectives are widely presented in advertising texts. It is revealed that the general features of all advertising texts are the following: specific selection of vocabulary, low-frequency words; often stylistically colored words; use of idioms and quotations to create imagery; a call to action through the imperative; extensive use of personal and possessive pronouns; use of nominative sentences; reception of parallelism and repetition; a wide range of adjectives and adverbs.


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How to Cite
Cherniak, O. P., & Petrovska, N. M. (2021). WORK ON ADVERTISING TEXTS TRANSLATION. New Philology, (83), 263-269.