Keywords: concept, “chaos”, “space”, “day”, “night”, linguo-cognitive, metaphor


The linguo-cognitive school of modern linguistics was formed at the beginning of the XXI century as an integrated branch of linguistic semantics, linguocognitology and linguo-cultural studies. The main question of cognitive semantics is the question of the relationship of cognitive units and structures with language; what part of the cognitive content and how it is fixed by language values. The study of cognitive semantics of the word requires a distinction between semantic and cognitive levels of analysis, language and encyclopedic knowledge, the study of their relationship. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to establish the relationship between the semantic and cognitive structures of Tiutchev’s poetic texts at the level of metaphorization, the importance of describing the features of metaphorical modeling. The article presents metaphorization as the main technique for identifying the features of the verbalization of the worldview of Tiutchev philosophical poetry; the main metaphorical models; the linguo-cognitive system of Tiutchev’s philosophical lyrics. The subject of the research is the system of key concepts of Tiutchev’s metaphorical models, objectified in the structure of texts with the help of linguistic representatives. The main concepts “chaos”, “space”, “day”, “night” are objectified in the lexical structure of the poet’s philosophical works through a system of verbal representatives and the author’s intentions, on the basis of which cognitive connections are shown. The components of these concepts contain a number of basic cognitive features represented by key lexemes, their associates. Metaphorical representation gives opportunity to organize the ways of concepts representation, to reveal distinctive understanding based on different ways of lexical explication and semantic modification. The analysis of the means, to verbalize the key concepts in Tiutchev’s poetry, made it possible to determine the general linguistic and individual-author’s characteristics of the concept, its structure and means of artistic embodiment. The individual author’s originality of the means of verbalizing the concepts is manifested at the level of the functioning of text associates. Various metaphorical representations of the key concepts become an important element of the linguistic picture of the world of Tiutchev. Interaction of individual-author associative correlations in the forming concepts in Tiutchev’s poetic texts is a manifestation of his own worldview. The associative interrelation and interdependence of the key concepts of the poet’s worldview (“chaos”, “space”, “day”, “night”) contributes to the lexical personification of the poet’s philosophical concepts revealed through a dynamic unity of two mega-spheres “chaos” vs “space”, “day” vs “night”.


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How to Cite
Kamienieva, I. A., & Minina, N. S. (2021). ANALYSIS OF METAPHORICAL MODELS IN TIUTCHEV’S LYRICS: LINGUO-COGNITIVE ASPECT. New Philology, (84), 106-114.