Keywords: Christian religious vocabulary; translation strategies; equivalent; variable analogues; calquing; transcription


This article presents the topical problem of the globalized world – intercultural, interreligious and interconfessional dialogue. The problem arouses great academic interest in religious vocabulary and especially the issues of its translation that plays an important role in this interaction. The theoretical study background of religious vocabulary was laid by the Ukrainian linguists in the diaspora. In regards to relevant modern research, in spite of the fact that it is conducted quite actively and diversely, most of them are intralinguistic by nature, and the number of translation studies is insignificant. This article studies the specifics of English interptetation of Ukrainian Christian vocabulary, in particular units to denote theological dogmatics and Christian confession. The approaches of leading foreign and local scholars to the main translation strategies of religious texts and its specific ways of rendering the relevant vocabulary in English were analyzed and identified in general. The results of the study allowed us to draw certain conclusions. The most common way to translate the theological dogmatics vocabulary is to use equivalents. This can be explained by the fact that due to religious and historical reasons (the formation of Christianity), in both languages there are identical borrowings from Greek and Latin, registered in dictionary. The variable analogues and calquing also proved to be quite productive methods. As for transcription, it is appropriate only if it is necessary to bring the target reader closer to the original linguoculture. However, this solution shall be used with caution, especially when a recipient is familiar with religious topics by profession. The use of transcription shall be more effective in translating a theological concept only if there is a further parallel connection with a term explanation.


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How to Cite
KlymenkoО. L., & StovburО. V. (2021). ENGLISH INTERPRETATION OF UKRAINIAN RELIGIOUS VOCABULARY FOR THEOLOGICAL DOGMATICS AND CHRISTIAN CONFESSION. New Philology, (84), 115-121. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2021-84-17