Despite the growth in the number of works devoted to phraseology, general theoretical questions still remain exposed. In fact, phraseology is often presented as an applied science rather than a field of basic research. The question of phraseological units from the perspective of multilingualism and interlanguage translation is debatable. Since phraseological units carry evaluative information content, they are prone to variability, and this is where the problem of translating such an expression arises. The novelty of this research lies in the consideration of the problem of translation of phraseological units from the point of view of the “freezing” strategy. The purpose of this work is to analyze the potential for “freezing” Ukrainian phraseological units in the context of French ones. The tasks are to carry out a comparative analysis of phraseological units with a similar semantic load and to determine the degree of their direct translatability. It is shown by examples, at the level of interlanguage translation, that the freezing strategy when translating phraseological units can correspond to two models of constructing different meanings, creating linguistic and extralinguistic problems for translation. The results of the analysis showed that the translation from Ukrainian far exceeds the potential for “freezing” into French language due to its peculiarities and complexity of the linguistic structure. It was revealed that, depending on the peculiarities of the structure of the language and culture, the translation of the phraseological unit may include a “freeze” strategy. The semantic load of the phraseological unit is transmitted even when the morphosyntactic parameters are changed. The semantic load and the influence of the original text on its readers. If the recipient language does not have a straight equivalent, the translator has two options: either translate the phraseological unit literally, or to contain an illustrative version in the text and in the note offer a literal translation. Opportunities for practical application – the study is aimed at the prospect of new positions for comparative research on interlanguage translation.
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