Keywords: discourse, scientific discourse, genre-style differentiations of scientific discourse, classification of scientific discourse


The term “discourse” has a long history formation: it changed its meaning over the eras, and its modern meaning arose under the influence of the philosophy of postmodernism. The term “discourse” is mentioned in the philosophy of the ancient classics (in Plato’s dialogues, who delineates the concept of a universal, integral, non-partial, non-individual, unified and discursive mind, which in its movement embraces and correlates separate meanings). The interpretation of a new vision of discourse in the philosophy of the XX’th century is expressed in the fact that it is understood as the development of a speech structure (language or text) in a monologue, which began the study of various discourses. Scientific discourse, paradoxically, has become one of the last to be explored. Since the 50’s of the twentieth century, studies have appeared, specifically devoted to the specifics of scientific presentation and the scientific discourse itself, its general characteristics, genre-style differentiation have been determined. The following researchers paid special attention to the study of genre characteristics of scientific discourse: P. Seligey, N. Nepiyvoda, M. Kotyurova, A. Ilchenko and others. Linguistic analysis of the discourse was carried out by N. Arutyunova, T. Dyck, J. Lakoff and others. The works of these researchers formed the methodological basis for the formulation of the term “scientific discourse”. According to S. Baranova, scientific (academic) discourse is a type of discourse activity in the field of communication, verbalized in the text, the speech interaction of representatives of the corresponding social group / institution in order to realize status-role capabilities within the limits set by this social institution, which constitutes the professional zone itself. Professional discourse in authoritative publications there are claims that the language of scientific prose is fundamentally opposed to the language of fiction, therefore any decorations, feelings and experiences of the author are inappropriate. Nevertheless, modern digitalization and the accelerated exchange of information have changed and expanded the scientific discourse.


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How to Cite
Truba, H. M. (2021). SCIENTIFIC DISCOURSE. MODERN VISION. New Philology, (84), 242-247.