Keywords: innovation, borrowing, lexical neologisms, semantic neologisms, author’s neologisms, abbreviations, word formation, affixation, telescoping


The article deals with the basic patterns of formation and functioning of neologisms in modern English-language texts of the beauty industry. The authors raise the problem of distinguishing between the concepts of “neologism” and “innovation” taking into consideration the different points of view of domestic and foreign linguists at the present stage of development of linguistics. The importance of using neological vocabulary in advertising texts as one of the powerful tools for promo among the analyzed innovations, nouns are the most numerous, there are a few adjectives, and verbs are sporadic. Such a disproportion among parts of speech in analyzed words may be explained by the necessity to name new procedures and products that are currently actively appearing in the beauty industry. The article considers the main structural, grammatical, lexical, and semantic features of neologisms used by advertisers to attract the attention of potential buyers to the product, tool or procedure effectively. According to the method of formation, all examined innovations can be divided into lexical, semantic, authorial (individual-stylistic) ones and abbreviations. The article also analyzes the main morphological ways of word formation of neologisms that function in the beauty texts which are word formation, affixation and telescopy. The body of the study is mainly represented by adjective-noun compounds, which in turn are divided into several subtypes. Nominal compounds are formed according to word-formation models N + N, V + N, Adj + N. Adjective compounds are built according to the models V + Adj, Adj + Adj. Regarding the semantics of the analyzed innovations, they can fall into four lexico-semantic groups: cosmetics, fields of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, cosmetic and health techniques and procedures, and lexical units to describe cosmetics and decorative cosmetics. Much attention is paid to the expansion of the beauty industry vocabulary through the processes of borrowing words from other languages and the use of relevant word-formation patterns.


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How to Cite
KhavkinaО. М., & Chuprina, K. O. (2021). NEOLOGISMS IN ENGLISH ADVERTISING TEXTS OF THE BEAUTY INDUSTRY. New Philology, (84), 262-267.