Keywords: phraseological units, somatisms, language, phraseological system, lexeme


The article reveals the meaning of the concept of “phraseological unit”, which is considered as a specific tool of the cognitive approach in the study of language and the conceptual apparatus of cognitive linguistics, including the problems of the relationship between linguistic and conceptual world pictures, the definition of the concept as a structuring element of the world picture and as a culturally significant entity, as well as the concept of the world and the reflection of time conceptualization processes in various sciences. The analyzed phraseological units with the anthroponymic component help to reveal the vision of the world and man specific to Ukrainian culture, the characteristic features of the functioning of proper names in the composition of phraseological units. On the basis of what has been learned, it is established that phraseology should be studied, taking into account all the information about the etymological motivation of this or that unit, the analysis of the features of cognitive processes underlying the formation of secondary nominations, contextual and discursive features of functioning, as well as the determination of cultural connotation and culture – and value oriented role of phraseological unit. In order to carry out this study of phraseological systems, socio-psychological and worldview knowledge is most often required for adequate interpretation of the figurative form, motivation of phraseological units and archetypal forms of world awareness. The opinion that the problem of studying phraseological units of different languages correlates with the main directions of the anthropocentric paradigm is substantiated. The traditional methods of studying the phraseological system, such as structural, grammatical, and semantic, have been traced, certainly remain authoritative, but recede into the background, as interest in the linguistic and cultural aspect of research is growing. Today, scientists consider idioms as “nationally specific units of language that accumulate the cultural potential of the people”.


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How to Cite
Minenko, O. V., Yeremeieva, N. F., & Krichker, O. Y. (2022). SPECIFICITY OF SOMATIC PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN MODERN UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE. New Philology, (86), 117-124. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2022-86-17