Keywords: term, one-word clinical term, termelements, lexical-semantic analysis, semantic group


The article carries out a lexical-semantic analysis of the termelements macr- and mega- (megal-) in one-word clinical terms, it is found that these termelements come from ancient Greek adjectives and are translated as “big, high, deep, strong, significant”. However, in single-word clinical terms, the studied term elements can show different lexical-semantic shades. For the component macr- is a characteristic value indicating a pathological increase in size, diameter, length, width, increased volume, multiplicity, etc. The term mega- (megal-) also indicates a pathological increase in size, length, width, volume, excessive growth. From the conducted analysis, it becomes clear that most of the semantic values are common to both term elements, and therefore, a significant part of the terms with the termelements macr- and mega- (megal-) are synonyms in clinical terminology. At the same time, semantic groups that do not match for both termelements are highlighted. Thus, the termelement macrcan indicate on “increased volume level, long period of time, severe course of the disease”. The component mega- (megal-) can mean "greatness, inflated self-esteem." According to the structure, all the analyzed terms were formed by compounding with the help of Greek (in the vast majority) and Latin bases. A study of medical terms with the termelements macr- and mega- (megal-) showed that these components are sufficiently productive for the formation of single-word clinical terms, but the termelement macr- is more common than mega- (megal-). The perspective of future scientific developments in this direction is the further analysis of frequent termelements of Greek origin, which are used in clinical terminology, with the aim of systematizing and optimizing the functioning of medical terms and compiling highly specialized dictionaries for educational purposes.


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How to Cite
Nikolaienko, O. A. (2022). LEXICAL-SEMANTIC ANALYSIS OF LATIN ONE-WORD CLINICAL TERMS WITH TERMELEMENTS MACR-, MEGA- (MEGAL-). New Philology, (86), 132-136. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2022-86-19