Keywords: derivative, innovative derivatives, students’ community, nomen, word-formation, suffixation, univerbation


Student community traditionally makes a favorable environment for coinage innovative derivatives. The purpose of this article is to analyze the specifics of word-formative processes in innovative derivatives of student community; the task of the article is to make a holistic description of the peculiarities of the coinage of jargon derivatives in this area. The article presents the results of the research on word formative processes and consequences in innovative derivatives of the student community. The word formative specificity of nomen innovations appearing in students’ jargon in comparison with the literary language is determined as well as the features of word formative means within different jargons. The derivatives of the jargon testify the interrelation and interdependence of word formative processes which make an integral part of the language. The category under study has its own specific word-formative criteria comparing with other categories in jargons and the same category in the Ukrainian literary language. The other aspects of students’ jargon derivatives are also singled out: alongside with the noun stems, the verbal stems are used in forming new words. The main aspects and ways of innovative derivatives of student community analysis are pointed out; the necessity and significance of system subgenus as a scientific approach towards word formation nominative phenomena and methods are justified, the prospects and potential of such research are outlined in this work. The research identifies that only a small number of derivatives indicate the use of suffixation as an independent way of coinage innovative derivatives, the forming bases of which are mostly abbreviations. The innovative derivatives in the student jargon univerbation, comparing with the literary language univerbation have their own peculiarities, and make the largest quantity within the thematic groups. The derivatives and the formants, which are used, create ramified synonymic and homonymic systems. Unlike other jargons, where the suffixal way of word-formation is dominant, in student jargon the suffixation is mainly used in conjunction with other wordformative processes. This article will be useful for those who are interested in the word formation innovations of the student community in the Ukrainian language.


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How to Cite
Starchenko, Y. S., & KumpanS. М. (2022). INNOVATIVE DERIVATIVES OF STUDENT COMMUNITY. New Philology, (86), 175-183.