Keywords: communication, communicators, mass media, media discourse, media text.


The scientific research is devoted to the investigation of media discourse as a sphere of public communication. The relevance of the study is determined by the rapid development of the modern world, the growth of mass communication and information technologies. The enormous influence of the Internet and the development of mass media contribute to the creation of the newest information space, which consists of a large number of media sources. The purpose and task of the article is to deepen existing approaches to the concept of media discourse, to analyze its goals. The object of research is the media space. And the subject is media discourse. Various approaches to defining the concept of media discourse have been examined, theoretical principles regarding its features and goals have been indicated in the work. It has been specified that media discourse functions in the media space. The concept of media discourse is derived from the general concept of discourse and is formed by a set of processes and products of speech activity in the field of social communication. It was established that media discourse is any kind of discourse that is implemented in the media space and produced by mass media. Media discourse provides an insight into speech activity in the field of mass media, as it covers numerous extra-linguistic factors related to the peculiarities of creating a media message, culturally determined methods of encoding and decoding, as well as the socio-historical and political-ideological context. It has been found that the media discourse constantly expands communicative information channels and contributes to the quantitative growth of its audience and makes possible a quick response to changes in the life of an individual and society. Due to the fact that the main thing in media discourse is the transmission of information, its goals are: description of the situation and explanation of the received information; regulation of the validity of addressees; influence on the consciousness of addressees through the flow of information, which, depending on space and time, affects a person and causes the corresponding feedback; forecasting the state of affairs about the likely actions of one or another factor, which aims to stimulate the proposal of results and conclusions. It has been proven that media texts highlight an event or situation, taking into account different views, convey official opinion using a coded sign system – the language of the press, give rise to certain values and contribute to the disappearance of others. It has been pointed out that the work can become a basis for further analysis of media discourse as a speech practice, speech acts of media discourse.


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How to Cite
Riabokin, N. O., & Kapitalova, T. I. (2023). MEDIA DISCOURSE AS A SPHERE OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATION. New Philology, (87), 62-66.