Keywords: jubilee year of Bruno Schultz, translation, Polish language, Ukrainian language


The purpose of the scientific study is to present the latest Ukrainian translations of the prose works by Bruno Schulz and about Bruno Schulz, which were published in 2022, for the systematization and generalization of Schulz-translation discourse in modern Ukrainian literary studies. The article characterizes the two jubilee “book” events: the translation of the Schulz Polish-language encyclopedia “Słownik schulzowski” into Ukrainian by Andrii Pavlyshyn and the Ukrainian translation of the Schulz’s short story collection “Cinnamon Shops” by Les Herasymchuk, which, as far as it is known, have not yet become the object of research by modern Schulzologists. The relevance of the study lies primarily in the publication of the updated Schulz-Ukrainian translation, literary and literary studies discourses, which contributes to the acceleration of Bruno Schulz’s return to the Ukrainian cultural present. Certain features of the Ukrainian translation of L. Herasymchuk’s “Cinnamon Shops” have been clarified, in particular in comparison with the translations of I. Hnatiuk, T. Vozniak, Yu. Andrukhovych and the author’s own translation of the article; the role and significance of new Ukrainian-language sources for the development of modern Ukrainian-language Schulz studies is defined. Apparently, the translators are trying to render Schulz’s text in Ukrainian as close and accurate as possible to the Polish original; at the same time, each translator approaches the process of reproducing the text individually, with his/her ability to interpret the original text, which allows the author of the article, using the results of the comparative analysis, to outline the translation of Ivan Hnatiuk as the closest to the Schulz’s original, despite the difficult censorship conditions during the translation, Taras Vozniak’s – Polish-Jewish- Galician-Ukrainian, Yurii Andrukhovych’s – Schulz-Ukrainian (by the invisible presence of an interpreter), Les Herasymchuk’s – Herasymchuk’s one because it is obvious that the translator does not so much introduce the reader to the Polish original as to the subjective perception of this original; the author’s own translation – as translated by an average Ukrainian familiar with the work of Bruno Schultz. The author concludes that Schulz’s short stories can be translated into Ukrainian many times, and each subsequent translation will differ significantly from the previous one, as happened with the translation of the collection “Cinnamon Shops” by Les Herasymchuk.


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