Keywords: nomination, secondary nomination, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, paraphrase


The scientific work characterizes metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche and periphrasis as means of secondary nomination. The last decades are characterized by the increased interest of linguists in the nominative direction in modern linguistics. It was noted that language nomination is a complex and extremely multifaceted phenomenon. This is a complex phenomenon in which the mental process is verbalized, which is aimed at marking the surrounding objective reality through the identification of certain characteristic features of the reality surrounding the speakers. It is noted that language processes that affect the replenishment of nominative resources are mainly related to the reinterpretation of the meanings of names already present in the language and the appearance of new meanings in them, the formation of which occurs due to secondary nomination. It is noted that a metaphor appears in language when a certain reality gives rise to some associations of the subject of knowledge. The process of the emergence of new knowledge is accompanied by analogies between objects at the conceptual level, since this is inherent in the very nature of human thought operations. It is noted that metaphor as a means of secondary nomination is a significant part of the everyday life of speakers, their thinking process. It arises as a result of the correlation between the object of real reality and the subject of knowledge. Metonymy is a semantic process in which the linguistic design of various relations of contiguity, which are established by human consciousness between the conceptual categories of objectivity, quantity, belonging, etc., appears. Due to the pragmatic potential and diversity of species, metonymy appears as a productive means of secondary nomination. Periphrasis is a bright means of secondary nomination, which emphasizes the depicted reality, gives it a special flavor. It functions as a free, spontaneously born allegorical expression of thought. Secondary nomination is a complex linguistic phenomenon that serves as a means of conceptualizing reality by using already existing language material in a new role. The nature of secondary nomination characterizes it not only as a result of human social experience, but also as a product of language experience. The associative reinterpretation of linguistic reality, characteristic of the act of creating a secondary nomination, endows its product with the potential of pragmatism, which is important for the realization of communicative influence.


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How to Cite
Prybluda, L. M. (2023). MEANS OF CREATING A SECONDARY NOMINATION: LINGUISTIC ASPECT. New Philology, (88), 92-97.