The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the translation of idioms from English into Ukrainian. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the translation of idioms is one of the most difficult, but at the same time interesting issues of translation science, and the complexity of the translation of idiomatic structures is explained by the volume of their semantic structure. The purpose of the article is an attempt to determine the range of the most effective ways of translating idiomatic units, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The object of the research is the idiomatic units of the English language, and the subject is the ways of their translation. The authors of the article emphasize that the translator must be knowledgeable, erudite in the field of culture of another country, have a high level of cultural competence in order to be able to identify in a foreign language text the specifics of a certain country, nation, territory, which is reflected in idioms, because each nation has its own ideas, characteristic him a way of thinking and a national identity. It is substantiated that among the ways of translating idiomatic units of the English language into Ukrainian, such methods of their translation as phraseological equivalent, idiomatic analogue, tracing, descriptive translation and contextual replacement are the most effective. The focus is on the fact that when translating it is important to use different methods of analysis and translation in order to try to get as close as possible to the original meaning of the idiom. If there are no analogues or equivalents in the target language, descriptive methods can be used. It has been established that effective descriptive means include comparison, description, explanation and interpretation, which help to convey the meaning of the idiom as accurately and concisely as possible. The fundamental aspect of the translation of the studied units is the prohibition of substitution or editing of the unique color of the idiom in another language. Similarities or differences when considering the idioms of the English and Ukrainian languages testify to their cultural and mental interaction.
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