Keywords: English language teaching method, nonphilological specialties, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach, active learning, globalization, Concept of English development in universities.


The article discusses the main methodical approaches to learning a foreign language (English) for students of higher education outside of philological professions. The process of teaching foreign languages to students of nonphilological specialties primarily reflects the history and process of changing approaches and priorities to teaching a foreign (English) language in search of the most effective and acceptable scientific and methodological measures. The opinion that knowledge of a foreign (English) language is an indispensable condition for the success and competitiveness of a modern specialist in the labor market has long been recognized by society. The use of the English language for professional purposes has become a necessity for specialists whose activities are related to the global market. At the same time, the situation on the world market and the desire of our country to fully integrate into the world community as an equal participant force us to move from simple acceptance of this statement to its full acceptance and implementation. In practice, it can be stated that the level and quality of training of specialists in non-philological specialties does not always meet the requirements. The lack of foreign language skills makes it difficult for Ukrainian non-philological specialists to enter the world market. In modern conditions, even for specialists of non-philological faculties, the English language should not be considered as a secondary discipline, but as a necessary tool of professional activity, because academic and labor mobility, uniform international educational standards, joint international research and production activities are impossible without a high level of knowledge of foreign (English) language. The dominance of communicative approaches to foreign language teaching is determined. However, this does not mean a complete neglect of the traditional grammartranslation method. Therefore, the optimal option is determined to be a mixed method of teaching English, which contains elements of many current methodological approaches to teaching. The basis of effective methods is the creation of an authentic communicative environment and active and versatile communicative practice, the creation of stable motivational attitudes towards learning a foreign language as a key to career realization. Modern pedagogical trends prioritize active learning, based on an active approach to the acquisition of foreign language competences and dialogue between a teacher-facilitator and a conscious and interested student with a high level of cognitive activity.


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