The article is devoted to the pragmalinguistic aspect of the study of euphemistic and dysphemistic nominations in the discourse of news telegram channels. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, there has been a tendency to frequently use secondary nominations in different types of discourses. It determines the urgency of the proposed research. In news telegram channels authors use euphemisms and dysphemisms to achieve their own goals in the process of communication, as well as to achieve a pragmatic euphemistic or dysphemistic effect of influence on readers. An important feature of the chosen discourse is the subjective way of presenting information that distinguishes them from the media discourse. Examples of euphemisms and dysphemisms demonstrate that this directly affects the selection of linguistic means. The purpose of the article is to perform a comprehensive analysis of secondary nominations, considering pragmalinguistic methods. The practical material consists of 107 dysphemisms and 151 euphemisms, selected by the method of continuous sampling. The source material for the article was four popular Ukrainian news telegram channels: STERNENKO, Lachen pyshe, Telehramna sluzhba novyn, Ivano-Frankivsk 24/7. Euphemisms and dysphemisms are context-dependent units, so it is important to analyze them within a particular message, taking into account the authors’ intentions. According to the theory of speech acts, euphemistic and dysphemistic nominations are qualified as indirect assertives. In addition to information about events that can be evaluated according to the true-false category, they simultaneously perform another type of illocutionary act. At the same time, the emergence of euphemisms and dysphemisms is associated with the observance or violation of the postulates of pragmatic principles of communication, particularly, the principle of cooperation by H. P. Grice and the politeness principle by G. Leech, as demonstrated by the proposed analysis of secondary utterances. In addition, the study has shown various cases of the use of presuppositions in euphemistic and dysphemistic statements.
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