The article defines the role of neologisms in modern English- and Germanlanguage media texts, reveals the peculiarities of new words in the vocabulary of English and German, and at the same time in media texts, and also reveals the functional potential of media neologisms. The purpose of the article is to determine the functional role of neologisms in English- and Germanlanguage media discourses. It was established that neologisms perform nominative, expressive, communicative and temporal functions in media discourse. The nominative function consists in the correlation of the sign with the named concept. The expressive function is manifested in the ability to create expressiveness of the media text in order to increase the impact on the recipient against the background of a stylistically neutral environment. The communicative function consists in conveying the author’s opinion to the recipient in the most accessible form. The temporal function of neologisms is related to the usual semantics of communicative practices in the conditions of a certain cultural and historical formation. The authors emphasize that due to the integration processes in modern society, there is a gradual disappearance of differences in the cultures of different countries, which also affects the language, which absorbs all the changes in the life of society, especially this applies to lexical borrowings, which constitute neologisms, which are recorded in the German-language media discourse. It has been found that these are nouns that make up mostly compound words, one part of which is borrowed from English, and the other from German. Depending on the position of the neologism in the composite, it is defined as the main or meaningful component. Media neologisms in both English and German conceptualize concepts that have appeared as a result of the pandemic, self-isolation, digitalization, and the desire for a healthy lifestyle or irony over it. In addition, neologisms formed from the surnames of famous persons were found in media texts.
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