Keywords: English, asynchronous learning, distance learning, German, synchronous learning.


The article is devoted to an overview of distance learning in English and German for the work of all participants in the educational process under martial law, namely synchronous and asynchronous formats. In the article, the synchronous format of distance learning is understood as the cooperation of a teacher and students or students among themselves in real time. In turn, the asynchronous format is interpreted as a form of independent work of students with delayed control by the teacher. The authors described various possibilities for teachers to use distance learning in higher education institutions and approaches to self-study of English and German by students in synchronous and asynchronous formats. The article draws attention to the fact that during martial law, teachers are recommended not only to carry out the curriculum in a foreign language, but also to ensure the psychological comfort of students. The authors propose topics that can be considered in English and German classes, and also describe which grammatical topics can be worked out when discussing certain lexical topics. The article provides an overview of Ukrainian, English and German websites that can be useful during distance learning in both synchronous and asynchronous formats. In addition, the types of independent work on a foreign language by students are described, namely: watching films with subsequent discussion in class, keeping a diary in which students can describe how they spent their day, what emotions they experienced, and the like. According to the authors of the article, such activity allows, on the one hand, to escape from military reality, and on the other hand, to release one’s fears and worries. The article emphasizes that the teaching of foreign languages during martial law should not only be focused on learning the language, but also provide psychological support to students.


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How to Cite
Hlushkovetska, N. A., & Tayyem, M. J. (2023). FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING IN MARTIAL LAW. New Philology, (89), 72-77.