Keywords: autobiography, individual style, text, Yu.M. Mushketyk.


The article is devoted to the examination of autobiographical motives in the work of an outstanding Ukrainian writer of the second half of the 20th century Yu.M. Mushketyk. The general autobiographical trend of the artist’s work is outlined, parallels are drawn between individual characters and the author himself. It has been established that the fictional world of the master of the word is part of his author’s identity and reflects the main vectors of the writer’s consciousness. It is emphasized that autobiography for Yu.M. Mushketik becomes an important source for the expansion of artistic expressiveness, since various events and facts from the writer’s life, combined with autopsychological experiences, appear as a manifestation of his attitude to the surrounding reality, and artistic fiction can be considered as a kind of mechanism transformation of life’s truth into art. Autobiography in the author’s texts is considered as a dominant mean of character formation, a special feature of the individual style of the master of words, as an important element for expressing the author’s intentions. In autobiography, the writer’s desire for self-knowledge, understanding of his own experience is revealed, which is the basic motive of creativity as such. It has been established that the following are the main ways of conveying autobiographical motives in the work of Yи.M. Mushketik: description of events from one’s own life, attribution of one’s own experiences and beliefs to characters, description of events from the lives of close people. Autobiographical motifs are observed in works about the Holodomor, about the Second World War, about work as editors or research assistants. It is thanks to autobiographical motifs that Yu.M. Mushketyk managed to most fully reproduce different historical times, starting from material details to the psychological atmosphere of different eras. It is emphasized that the autobiographical component provides an opportunity for the author to artistically embody his own worldview position, and also contributes to a deeper and more truthful reproduction of the spiritual and psychological experiences of the characters.


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How to Cite
Ilina, O. V. (2023). AUTOBIOGRAPHY AS A FEATURE OF THE IDIOSTYLE OF YU. M. MUSKETIK. New Philology, (89), 111-116.