Keywords: correspondence, English-language translation theory, Newmark, term system, Ukrainian translation studies.


The article deals with the problem of terminological inconsistencies in Ukrainian and English-language translation studies, which are stipulated by the difference in the corresponding scientific traditions. In particular, some attention is paid to the comparison of the terminological segment concerning translation transformations in Ukrainian translation studies discurse and translation techniques – in the English-language one. Traditionally, translation transformations are considered as techniques that involve the conversion of units of the source text into those of the target text (O. Selivanova). Quite a lot of popularity is given to the classification of transformations, which includes: addition, omission, transposition and substitution. The most commonly used transformation in translation is substitution. A special kind of substitution is compensation, which is applied in case of impossibility of creating the necessary stylistic effect by similar means of the target language. There is also an opinion that transformations are used mainly in complex, not purely. In English-language translation discourse, the term “translation transformations” is not used, but in empirical research, the term “translation techniques” has become widespread. Just as in the case of transformations, there is no single unified classification of translation techniques, although the most famous of them are based mainly on P. Newmark's works. The article analyzes the classification of techniques in detail; they including: adaptation, amplification, borrowing, calque, compensation, description, discursive creation, established equivalent, generalization, linguistic amplification, linguistic compression, literal translation, modulation, particularization, reduction, substitution, transposition and variation (L. Molina, A. Albir). As a result of contrasting the two terminosystems, the correspondence was established, as follows: adaptation ‒ localization, amplification ‒ addition, borrowing ‒ transcoding, discursive creation ‒ contextual translation, linguistic amplification ‒ decompression, linguistic compression ‒ compression, modulation ‒ antonymic translation (in some cases), particularization ‒ concretization, reduction ‒ omission, transposition ‒ replacement.


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