Keywords: word-forming formants, a propositional-dictum motivation, an associativeterminal motivation, an onomasiological basis, a motivator.


The article characterizes the Old Ukrainian denominative derivatives according to structural-onomasiological and motivational processes, and the type of motivation, its variety and component, verbalized in the onomasiological sign of denominative verbs, determines the semantic group of predicates marked by the verbal units. Motivational processes of the Old Ukrainian denominative verbs with suffixes -ова-, (˃-ува-,-юва-,-ева-,-єва-) can be traced both in propositional-dictum and associative-terminal motivations. The propositional-dictum motivation of the Old Ukrainian denominative verbs is the most common in the verb system of the 14th-17th centuries, the motivators of verbs are chosen from the sphere of the predicate-argument structure of the concept and have direct meanings. The associative-terminal motivation of the denominative derivatives in the verb system of the Old Ukrainian literary language is clarified, which can be traced to the choice of the motivator from the component of untrue, metaphorical knowledge. In the verbal wordformation of the Old Ukrainian literary language, modus-motivated noun denominatives are distinguished, which are characterized by the use of evaluative perception of motivators by speakers. The word-formation and onomasiological mechanism of creation of the denominative verbs in written monuments of the XIV–XVII centuries is a verbal and grammaticalized designation of the predicate position of the concept based on the selection of one of the substantive components of the sentence or its associate, highlighted in a certain cognitive structure of the situation through internal programming in view of the structure of consciousness of the speakers of the language picture of the world. It is proved that the study of the historical suffix wordformation in the linguistic denominative segment in the context of the theory of nomination is based on the fact that the formation of a nominative unit by indexed semantics and word-formation structure is preceded by a mental, conceptual modification of the object of nomination.


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How to Cite
Kocherha, H. V. (2023). WORD-FORMING SUFFIXATION AS A MARKER OF THE VERB MECHANISM IN THE OLD UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE OF THE WRITTEN MONUMENTS OF THE 14TH – 17TH CENTURIES. New Philology, (89), 137-142. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2023-89-19