Keywords: listening, pronunciation, vocabulary, motivation, motivational factors, learning a foreign language, French language.


The article considers some ways to increase the motivation to study French by students of higher education. The authors defined motivation as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon, described and summarized the main types of motivation, its structure and role in the study of the French language in higher education, as well as considered the main features of motivation and their connection with the educational process. Motivation is a managerial activity in foreign language teaching and is considered one of the main problems of its pedagogical methodology. The French language as an educational discipline has many features, one of which is the mastery of French in the process of developing skills and abilities of foreign language communication. The relevance of learning foreign languages today is beyond doubt, because with the development of modern society, the expansion of international cooperation and exchange, the organization of conferences with foreign participants in higher educational institutions, etc., students are expected to have a deep knowledge of foreign languages. The purpose of the article is to identify effective approaches to increase the motivation to learn the French language. The object of research is the French language, and the subject is the motivational aspect of its study. The authors of the article proposed possible options for increasing motivation during the development of both speaking and listening, enriching vocabulary. According to the authors, the necessary conditions for the formation and maintenance of motivation in the study of a foreign language are the use of problem-search teaching methods and educational materials that take into account the specifics of the country of the language being studied, as well as the use of authentic materials. It has been proved that motivation in educational activities is an important factor in the formation of a student's personality, the development of his skills and abilities, therefore, types of educational activities are proposed that contribute to the development of the creative and intellectual potential of students. To maintain motivation in foreign language lessons, it is necessary to place students in a favorable physical and psychological environment.


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How to Cite
Kukushkin, V. V., & Datso, O. H. (2023). MOTIVATIONAL FEATURES OF FRENCH LANGUAGE LEARNING. New Philology, (89), 149-154.