In the process of learning the Ukrainian language, foreign students perceive significant amounts of new information and must effectively assimilate and remember the educational material. For this purpose, it is advisable for the teacher to organize the educational process and present new information in such a way that students perceive and assimilate knowledge with maximum efficiency. Today, significant demands on the educational process are advanced, therefore, in search of methods for optimizing information perception, we suggest resorting to the cutting-edge fields of knowledge, such as neurolinguistic programming, where special attention is paid to the description of the processes of information perception and processing. In the article, it is determined that in view of the specifics of a person's individual perception of reality and the peculiarities of the encoding of information obtained by him/her, experts distinguish the following types of modality: visual, auditory and kinesthetic (including olfactory and gustatory). Each representative system reflects one of the key channels of a person's orientation in the surrounding reality and has its own specific reactions that have an impact on the peculiarities of world perception, behavior and the peculiarity of information analysis. It has been found that in order to increase the effectiveness of education, it is necessary to take into account the leading modality of the student and select the material according to the peculiarities of his/her perception. In this way, the teacher will have a greater impact, and the efficiency of memorizing and assimilating information will improve. In particular, the article emphasizes that when teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language, the teacher should actively use audiovisual materials, that is, take polymodality into account. While watching fragments of videos, films, and listening to audio recordings, a foreign student learns information with the help of visual and hearing senses, thus memorizing the material is more effective. Therefore, the harmonious combination of auditory and visual information contributes to the increase in the effectiveness of the perception of educational material, the level of its assimilation and mastery of practical skills of applying the acquired knowledge. The use of innovative methods in the process of learning the Ukrainian language encourages foreign students to improve their communication skills and expands their opportunities.
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