Keywords: non-equivalent vocabulary, national-cultural aspect, translation, term, legal text.


The article is devoted to the study of translation problems, taking into account the national and cultural aspects reflected in the legal terminology of the English language. The relevance of the research is determined by the development of cooperation and exchange between the USA, England and Ukraine, which in practice requires legal regulation, qualified assistance from translators and correct translation of legal texts and legal terms. The object of the research is legal terms, and the subject is their national and cultural marking. The article analyzes in detail the problems of equivalence of legal terms in the English- Ukrainian translation. The authors considered the linguistic factors of the process of translation of legal texts on the basis of ethno-cultural differences in the legal systems of Ukraine, the USA and England, emphasizing the need to preserve the semantic-structural proximity of the translation of a legal text to the original. It is proved that there is a national-cultural component in legal terminology, since jurisprudence as a socio-political science is closely related to the level of socio-economic development of society and its cultural and historical traditions. Particular attention is paid to the fact that some of the legal terms refer to non-equivalent vocabulary, forming intercultural gaps, which are the result of the divergence of local cultures. Based on this, according to the authors, the more diverse cultural systems, the more intercultural gaps. To understand such vocabulary, background knowledge of the communicators is necessary, since culturally marked vocabulary serves as an important source of sociocultural information about the country. Failure to understand the meaning of key concepts in the minds of native speakers, as well as the transfer of information from their native culture to the concepts of a foreign culture, can lead to misunderstandings in communication and cultural errors.


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How to Cite
OdintsovaО. О., & Karmazina, C. Y. (2023). NATIONAL AND CULTURAL ASPECTS OF LEGAL TEXT TRANSLATION. New Philology, (89), 180-185.