The research is aimed at describing and generalizing the binary of meaningmaking dominants “man” – “culture”, “man” – “language”, as well as analyzing the correlations of these dominants as important elements in the study of sociocultural space in, which the system of subject and spiritual values ethnicity. The main research methods are the descriptive method, the comparative method in combination with etymologization, the method of conceptual analysis. The understanding of the problem of human origin in language has shifted to the center of research of cognitivists, who characterize the modern scientific paradigm as more mobile and open. It is proposed to consider the language and folk spiritual culture as symbolic phenomena in connection with a particular society. Language is considered by scholars not only as a result of the development of the spiritual culture of a particular ethnic group, but also as a direct subject-creator of this culture. Researchers mostly believe that language is a means of revealing the style of thinking of the people, as well as creating a conceptual, unique image, which is complemented by art, speech, etiquette. The authors proved the need to attempt linguistic and cultural interpretation of the binary of meaningful dominants “man” – “culture”, “man” – “language” in terms of analytical and synthetic immersion in the essence of objects of reality on the example of comparative analysis of psychological thinking of Ukrainians, Czechs, Turks, the means of their nominalization, which determines the relevance of our study. Analyzing the relationship between culture and language, we concluded that this correlation is due to the fact of their constant involvement and interaction. These relationships and relationships between man, culture and language suggest that mastering the language is impossible without reference to the linguistic personality who created it and uses it every day. It is in this that one can trace the binary of the meaning-making dominants “man” – “culture”, “man” – “language”.
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