Keywords: fairy tale, intermediality, interactive book, intertext, image, middle literature.


The article is devoted to the work of the modern Ukrainian poet, writer and publisher Ivan Malkovych. His story-tale «Liza and her Dreams», created with the participation of the famous Kyiv artist Yevgeniia Hapchynska, was examined. In particular, an attempt was made to investigate the reflection of intermediality in this text. Intermediality is now understood as the addition of one artistic reality by means of other types of art (for example, a literary work with the elements of painting, music, cinematography, etc.). Moreover, this artistic technique is used not only by “high” literature/art, but also by the so-called middle literature/mass culture. It is clear that in the children’s literature, intended for young readers, the use of intertext and intermediality is somewhat limited by the addressee's level of perception of references/appeals to the pretext. Evidently, one of the main pretexts for Malkovych's fairy tale was Carroll’s book “Alice in Wonderland”. This can be seen in the organization of the plot of both books (all the events were dreamed by the main characters), and in the presence of magic creatures that communicate with the girls, and even in the consonance of their names. Malkovych’s book became the first one among the publishing projects to print interactive books for children. Actually, it does not yet have «live» illustrations, but steps are outlined for the further development of the interactive literature. The authors of the fairy tale partially used the techniques of comic book literature, where illustrations play a leading role compared to the text. In «Liza and her Dreams» the text is synonymous with the illustrations, which complement and expand the possibilities of verbal description. The main vector of intermediality in the fairy tale is the description and commentary on the plots of the mentioned works of fine art. It is interesting that the artists themselves act in almost all episodes of Lisa’s dreams, although they may not be depicted in Hapchynska's illustrations. The intermedial space in the storytale is sometimes expanded due to the demonstration of magic creatures that serve as guides to the heroine through the creative workshops of the artists.


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How to Cite
Chornyi, I. V., & Chorna, V. L. (2023). INTERMEDIALITY IN IVAN MALKOVYCH’S TALE “LISA AND HER DREAMS”. New Philology, (89), 248-252.