Keywords: term, systemic nature of terminology, paradigmatic relations, hyperonymic and hyponymic relations, friction


Contemporary linguistic research directs significant attention to the study of domain-specific terminologies. This article focuses on the terminology of tribology, which is the study of friction, wear and lubrication. The comprehensive study of tribological terms is of paramount importance, as it enables effective communication among field experts, facilitates knowledge exchange and drives the development of new technologies. The article provides definitions for the concepts of term and terminological system and examines types of relationships that contribute to the systemic nature of the terminology. The definition of the study of tribology is also presented, with an emphasis on its contribution to scientific and technological progress. The significant knowledge base and ongoing development within the field of tribology stimulate the expansion of the corresponding terminology, which is further facilitated by incorporating terms from related disciplines. Furthermore, tribological terms serve as the foundation for terminology in other fields where phenomena of friction and wear occur, as well as in fields where lubrication plays a significant role, such as automotive and aviation industries. The article examines the features contributing to the systemic nature of tribological terminology. A general analysis of the structure and paradigmatic relations among tribological terms is presented, employing examples of hyperonymic and hyponymic relations. In the context of the current research, these examples hold particular significance as they reveal the systemic nature of the terminology. It is shown that a tribological term can simultaneously function as both a generic term and a specific term in relation to other tribological terms, indicating a greater depth and branching of the terminological system. The presence of antonymy together with the fact that hyponyms can further be grouped into semantic subgroups both indicate the systemic nature of tribological terminology. Tribological terms are interrelated both logically and semantically, which allows us to view tribological terminology as a terminological system. The significance of tribology in the advancement of science and technology underscores the importance of such research.


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