The article examines the issue of the functional aspect of English social network slang. It was determined that the factors of the emergence of English social network slang are the desire to ensure the desired level of expressiveness, to denote modern and fashionable realities in the modern environment that have no counterparts in the literary language, and for the purpose of implementing communication that takes place in a relaxed, informal, friendly atmosphere, and to ensure the communicative equality of communication subjects. Linguistic analysis of selected lexical units of English social network slang of microblogs of social networks Instagram, YouTube dedicated to the “mukbang” trend in the total volume of 135 words was carried out. It has been proven that, by functional direction, among the above functions, the communicative one prevails – 32,5%; emotionally expressive – 19,2%; the prevalence of the function of brevity and specification is 18,5%; identifying (nominative) – 8,8%; evaluative – 8,1%; originality function – 7,4%; language diversification – 3,7%; creative – 1,5%. A detailed causal relationship of such a percentage ratio of the lexical units of English network slang selected for analysis by functional direction is presented. Thus, the specified frequency of the communicative function is associated with a number of regularities, such as the fact that: the main role of slang is to facilitate communication and exchange of ideas between people; in its essence, slang becomes a kind of linguistic code that facilitates mutual understanding and interaction in speech communities. It was determined that the communicative function is achieved with the help of various language means, such as: exclamations, which have lexical units with the meaning of surprise and delight; adjectives with various meanings; reinforcing adverbs with the meaning “very”; verbs and nouns denoting depression, despair; nouns with the meaning “inspiration”, “falling in love”.
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