The article is devoted to the interpretation of postirony from the standpoint of linguоculturology. The usage of the linguocultural paradigm to study the formation and development of the concept of postirony is justified by its close connection with modern social and cultural realities. The article emphasizes on postirony, as a means of communication between the author and the reader from the position of honesty and openness. Proceeding from the fundamental necessity of establishing such a dialogue between the author and the reader, postirony manifests the transition from the postmodern superiority of the author to sincerity and trust. It is appropriate to consider postirony as a global and mass cultural phenomenon, since the ideas of postirony penetrate the entire artistic space, manifesting the establishment of a new stage of postmodernism. The linguocultural approach made it possible to treat the postirony as a transcultural phenomenon. The author analyzes various integrated approaches of modern researchers to the interpretation of the concept of postirony and its effect on the reader. The article analyzes cultural changes associated with the crisis of postmodernism and postmodern irony itself, which influenced the emergence of postirony as the idea of “new sincerity”, after all, the emergence of postirony was facilitated by a large-scale cultural shift from postmodernism to metamodernism. In the conclusions, the author states that the outlined linguocultural approach to the phenomenon of postirony made it possible to analyze its influence on literature and the author’s text comprehensively and effectively. As a result, recent postmodern poetics marked by postironic sincerity becomes a sign of the formation of the new literary movement. A further study of the specific linguistic and compositional markers of the postironic style of writing on the example of the authors texts are promising.
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