Keywords: academic communication, structure of scientific text, heading construct, multidisciplinary research focus, scientific discourse, topic, rheme, binary model of heading


The problem highlighted in the article is extremely relevant for modern scientific discourse in general, taking into account informatization processes on a global scale. The author of the article focuses scientific attention on the very first marker of the text and an indispensable component in the architectonics of scientific text – the heading construct, the wording quality of which in natural languages directly affects the volume and effectiveness of the translation potential of the text itself as a scientific product and the identification of its basic concepts in the search paradigm of the modern information space. The relevance of the multidisciplinary vision in the formulation and analysis of the heading construct of modern scientific text is substantiated, which allows to determine the dominant qualitative and quantitative markers in the manifestation of its verbal perfection. The article highlights the range of functions of the heading construct of scientific text in academic communication, in particular, the leading ones in the context of rhetoric, cognitive linguistics, terminology, linguistics categories, from the standpoint of the theory of actual sentence division, and ecology of scientific text. Based on the analysis of the heading constructions of scientific texts, the author identifies those that contain markers of verbal perfection of this first of the mandatory components of the architectonics of a scientific product in the small genre format. Taking into account the defining criteria of the multidisciplinary dimension of the heading construct of small scientific texts, the author substantiates the verbal models of the heading optimal for the tasks of the communication space. The author motivates the necessity of spreading the practice of verbalizing the heading structures of the text in accordance with its cognitive and communicative function in the educational and scientific space considering the tendency to harmonize with the European educational space and intensify scientific communication in the State language and English as an international one. The article is intended for academic and pedagogical staff, linguists, doctoral students, postgraduate students, and master’s students.


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How to Cite
Onufriienko, H. S. (2024). HEADING CONSTRUCT IN THE ARCHITECTONICS OF MODERN SCIENTIFIC TEXT: CRITERIA OF VERBAL MODELING. New Philology, (93), 128-133. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2024-93-18