Deictics as linguistic entities refers to the communicative situation associated with the utterance, and is viewed in a coordinate system, where the reference point is the 'I-here-now' pattern. Basically, both linguopragmatic and cognitive features of the implementation of deixis in communication lie in the attitude of the producer and the recipient to the text. Deixis has been deeply investigated in pragmatics, and has been divided into spatial, temporal, personal, discourse and social deixis. Deixis belongs to the pragmatics categories because it profoundly concerns the relationship between the structure of language and the context in which it is used, as well as the use of a language in communication, and the link between languages and their users in particular. Pragmatic competence, which includes knowledge about social distance, social status between communication participants, and cultural knowledge, contributes to effective deconstructing the context information related to deixis. The use of deixis presupposes that the speaker associates an entity with the present speech situation, making it cognitively accessible to the listener. Particularly, it can be explained as the process when the non-verbal representation of an entity in the external context becomes a part of the discourse and is involved in the context of the discourse by means of instructions. Thus, some kind of linguistic item is used in discourse to refer to that entity. The expression of discourse relies on the interlocutor's shared knowledge, beliefs and attitudes, which is often referred to as speakers’ common ground, which provides us with a cognitive perspective from which to locate the interlocutors. The current research introduces explanation to the coexistence of cognitive and pragmatic determiners in deixis functioning in the English fiction by Mark Twain, distinguishing its main types in the context of the novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’.
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