The article is devoted to the study of the constructing mechanisms of the identity of the English-language children's poet. Identity is considered as a constructed phenomenon in the context of discursive interactions, which testifies to the relational essence of the identity. The study of the constructing of the identity of the English-language children's poet is demonstrated on the vital activity of the famous American children's poet Theodore Seuss Geisel / Dr. Seuss.
The process of the identity’s constructing is in the intersubjective relations "similarity / difference". The constructing of the identity of the children’s poet is through identification or differentiation with the reader's audience, which perceives the author's works. The relations "adequation / distinction" provide the opportunities to reveal the mechanisms of the constructing of the identity in intersubjectivity. These relations in the process of interaction with the child is represented in the children's poetic discourse. The author, following literary norms in his poetic speech, adapts to the peculiarities of ontogenesis of children's speech, thus creating the picture of the world, which is conditioned by the psychophysiological features of the child.
The relations "authentication / denaturalization" reveal the processes that speakers refer to as real or artificial. Authentication focuses on the way in which the identity of the children’s poet verifies discursively, while denaturalization reveals the processes that may violate the integrity of the author's identity. Concerning the identity of the children's poet, there is the possibility to emphasize the recognition of the author by the institutions of the power of a particular society (awards and prizes). There is the censorship of the products of the poet’s mental and speech activity (poetic texts). In such way the intersubjective relations "authorization / illegitimation" are actualized in the process of the constructing of the author’s identity.
Theodore Seuss Geisel is considered one of the most beloved children's authors for a long time. His works from "The Cat in the Hat" to "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" have found their way to the houses and hearts of readers around the world. Many of his books have been translated into different languages. The impressive list of his awards is a testimony of authorization of the identity of the children's poet.
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