In modern world, video games have become an important part of leisure for many people. This made it necessary to study translations of popular video games to improve the level of translations themselves, as well as to identify new trends in translation studies. To solve the problem of the insufficient number of direct translations from Chinese into Ukrainian for video games, it is important to conduct a study of translation adaptations of the internal narratives of Chinese-language games into Ukrainian. For this, it is necessary to characterize the concept of the game from a linguistic point of view, to analyze the possible translation adaptations and the process of translation of individual textual components of the game. This work aims to reveal the translational aspect of the linguistic component of the localization of the game, it is considered as a multimedia form of discourse. In the process of translation, it is worth considering foreignization and domestication strategies that will help preserve the cultural component of the original text or bring it closer to the culture of the target language. The strategy of domestication is focused on the most adequate transfer of meaning, it is a strategy of meaning, and the strategy of foreignization is focused on the transfer of features of form, it is a strategy of form. It is also important to avoid obscene language, reproduce the speech style of the characters and replace allusions with ones that are understandable for the Ukrainian audience. The material of the study is Wild Frontier (in our translation “Wild Frontier”) – a mobile game of the RPG genre (role-playing game with an unlimited number of online players) for Android / iOS users from the Chinese developer company “37games”. The study showed that substitutions (syntactic and lexical), compensation of cultural realities and omission of repetitions are most often used. To achieve translation adequacy, it is important to understand extralinguistic factors and to have background knowledge in the field of game localization. In the future, it is possible to continue research detailing translation factors, identifying ways to solve translation difficulties, and creating practical recommendations for future translators working with Chinese-Ukrainian translation.
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