Keywords: microtoponym, appellative, Josyphinska (1785–1788) metric, Francyscanska (1819–1820) metric, Sambirskyy cyrkul, creating stem, motivational base


The article is devoted to the analysis of the creative stems of historical microtoponymy of the end of XVIII – the beginning of XIX century which are reflected in Josyphinska (1785–1788) and Francyscanska (1819–1820) metrics. These documents are kept in the Central State Historical Archive of Lviv. The object of the article is proper names of small geographical objects of the Sambirskyy cyrkul. The region consisted of 412 settlements. The lexicalsemantic analysis of the creative bases showed that microtoponyms are derived from appellatives and from onyms. In the article, we analyze the proper names of micro-objects derived from the names of buildings and structures. These common names additionally indicate the peculiarities of farming, the beliefs of the inhabitants of the region, the spread of crafts, etc. In the microtoponymy of the end of XVIII – the beginning of XIX century there are 6 groups of words, which are names of residential, economic, defense, industrial, religious and hydro structures. The names of residential buildings include the lexemes ‘budynok’, ‘zamok’, ‘ofitsyny’. Thematically, economic buildings are divided into 2 types: a) for grain storage and processing (‘humno’, ‘stodola’, ‘shpykhlir’); b) for sleeping and keeping animals and birds (‘zahoroda’, ‘koshara’, ‘obora’, ‘svynarka’, ‘skotnyk’, ‘staynia’, ‘staya’, ‘stiylo’, ‘khliv’). ‘Val’, ‘zastava’, ‘mur’ belong to defensive buildings. Various types of crafts were common on the territory of the Sambirskyy cyrkul. The names of industrial buildings testify to this. The appellatives ‘tsehelnia’, ‘huta’ indicate the spread of field of construction. The lexemes ‘bliakharnia’, ‘kovalnia’, ‘kuznia’, ‘tokarnia’ show the spread of blacksmithing, ‘zhupa’, ‘fabryka’ - extraction of minerals, ‘pekarnia’, ‘mlyn’ – development of food sector, ‘brovar’, ‘brovarnia’, ‘vynarnia’, ‘vynnytsia’, ‘guralnia’, ‘korchma’, ‘pyvnytsia’ – production and sale of alcoholic products, ‘tartak’ – woodworking activities, ‘blikh’, ‘prachkarnia’ – development of service sector. The inhabitants of the cyrkul were Christians. We learn about this from the names of religious buildings (‘dzvinytsia’, ‘kaplytsia’, ‘kliashtor’, ‘kostiol’ (‘kostel’), ‘monastyr’, ‘statuya’, ‘fihura’, ‘tserkva’). The names of hydro structure (‘hat’, ‘hreblia’) are the least represented in microtoponymy.


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How to Cite
MosurО. S. (2024). HISTORICAL MICROTOPONYMY OF THE END OF XVIII – THE BEGINNING OF ХІХ CENTURY, MOTIVATED BY THE NAMES OF BUILDINGS. New Philology, (95), 30-35. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2024-95-4