The article examines contemporary English-language media discourse, emphasizing its transmedia characteristics essential in evolving technologies and diverse media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Spotify, YouTube). Media discourse is conceptualized as a complex sign system integrating linguistic and extralinguistic dimensions. Transmediation is defined as the translation of content across various sign systems, facilitating meaning representation through textual, audiovisual, and hybrid formats. The study highlights the growing appeal of psychological and motivational literature and texts promoting personal and social development. The evolving role of media narrators is emphasized, portraying them as content creators and contributors to integrated media narratives tailored for multichannel audiences. Intratextual and transtextual approaches delineate the key attributes of media discourse: publicity, group alignment, dissensual orientation, and mass-oriented delivery. Media discourse is analyzed as communicative activity designed to inform, interpret, and influence recipients through adaptable media texts. Transmediation entails customizing content for each communication channel while preserving authorial intent and enhancing audience engagement. The article underscores the role of media platforms in creating innovative interaction formats between narrators and audiences, blending cognitive, emotional, and pragmatic communication elements. Transmedia processes are highlighted as pivotal in disseminating narratives, reshaping content delivery, and fostering representational innovation. This research identifies transmediation as a critical component of contemporary media discourse, ensuring adaptability in modern technological and sociocultural landscapes. Future research will explore the pragmatic dimensions of implementing English-language media discourse.
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