For Authors
Dear Fellow Scientists!
We invite you to publish your materials in a scientific journal
“New Philology” Issue 97 (2025).
The collection is intended for a wide range of professional philologists: scientists, lecturers, postgraduate students, masters and senior students.
Based on the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 409 dated 17.03.2020 (Annex 1), the collection is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine category "B" in the field of philological sciences (035 – Philology).
Articles to Issue 97 / 2025 of the collection of scientific works “New Philology” are accepted January 31, 2025.
Articles of scientific and practical value are accepted for publication. The author has the right to submit only one previously unpublished scientific article in one issue. The author is responsible for the originality of the text of the article, the accuracy of the facts, citations, statistics, proper names, geographical names and other information, as well as for the fact that materials do not contain data that are not subject to open publishing. The editorial office is not responsible for the information contained in the article. The final decision on the publication of the article is made by the editorial office, which also reserves the right to further review, edit and reject the articles.
The Editorial Board guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of articles and their check for plagiarism using by the Polish company
It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.
- articles in Ukrainian, English, German and French are accepted for publication;
- 12-20 pages without a bibliography;
- electronic version of the article is accepted in *.doc, *.docx or *.rtf formats, prepared in the text editor Microsoft Word;
- page size А4, line spacing – 1.5;
- font type Times New Roman, font size 14 pt;
- margins: left — 3 cm, right — 1.5 cm, top, bottom — 2 cm.
line 1 – UDC (left alignment);
line 2 – title of the article (center alignment, bold, capital letters);
line 3 – surname and initials of the author of the article; scientific degree, academic rank, position indicating the department (center alignment);
line 4 – place of work (study), address of work (study), ORCID-code, e-mail of the author (center alignment).
If the author does not have an ORCID-code, it is possible to get it by following the link
paragraph 1 – extended abstract (1800 characters excluding spaces) and key words (minimum 5 written) in the language of the article;
paragraph 2 – the title of the article (bold, capital letters), surname, initials of the author, scientific degree, academic rank, position indicating the department, place of work (study), address of work (study), ORCID-code, e-mail of the author, extended abstract (1800 characters excluding spaces) and key words (minimum 5 words) written in English. The translation into English should be authentic (not machine).
If the article is submitted not in Ukrainian, then the following data should be placed after the abstract in the language of the article: title of the article (bold, capital letters), surname, initials of the author, scientific degree, academic rank, position indicating the department, place of work (study), address of work (study), ORCID-code, e-mail of the author, extended abstract (1800 characters excluding spaces) and key words (minimum 5 words) written in Ukrainian.
Structural elements of the body of the article:
Problem statement (problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of recent research and publications with the indication of the beginning of the solution of this problem on which the author relies, as well as the selection of previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted).
Purpose of the article (the main idea of the publication is expressed, which differs from modern ideas about the problem significantly, complements or deepens already known approaches; attention is paid to the introduction of new facts, conclusions, recommendations, patterns or clarifications of previously known but insufficiently studied ones).
Presentation of the main material with the justification of the scientific results obtained.
Conclusions and prospects for further development in this direction.
References are placed after the article in the alphabetical order; printed at 1.5 spacing, font size 14, font style Times New Roman and styled in accordance with the requirements of the interstate standard DSTU 8305:2015.
The references to theoretical sources should be given in the text according to the list of literature in square brackets as follows:
1) one source [Кочерган, 2007, с. 15];
2) two or more sources [Городенська, 2013, с. 42; Загнітко, 2017, с. 7; Пономарів, 2009, с. 35];
3) source without the page [Німчук, 2015].
At the end of the article, there is a version of References transliterated and translated into English, styled in accordance with the requirements of the APA (American Psychological Association).
UDC 811.111-26.019
Олексієнко Ю. В.
кандидат філологічних наук, доцент,
доцент кафедри англійської філології
Запорізький національний університет
вул. Жуковського, 66, Запоріжжя, Україна
Abstract in the language of the article
Volume: 1800 characters excluding spaces (250-300 words).
Ключові слова: 5–10 key words or phrases, none of which duplicate the title of the article.
Oleksiienko Yu. V.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology
Zaporizhzhia National University
Zhukovskoho str., 66, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
Abstract in English
Volume: 1800 characters excluding spaces (250-300 words).
Key words: 5–10 key words or phrases, none of which duplicate the title of the article.
Certainly, food culture is one of the key national and cultural features of a particular cultural community. At the present stage of development, in the conditions of globalization and integration of different societies into a single system, it is extremely important to understand the specifics of each indicidual linguoculture …
1. Державецька І. О. Глютонічна лексика у системі англійської мови. Лінгвістика. Лінгвокультурологія: зб. наук. праць Дніпровського нац. ун-ту імені Олеся Гончара. 2013. Т. 6. С. 18–25.
1. Derzhavetska, I. O. (2013) Hliutonichna leksyka u systemi anhliiskoi movy [Glutonic vocabulary in the English language system]. Linhvistyka. Linhvokulturolohiia: Collection of scientific works of Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, vol. 6, pp. 18–25.
To publish an article in a professional scientific publication, it is necessary to send the following materials to the e-mail address of the editorial office by January 31, 2025:
- a carefully proofread scientific article, necessarily styled in accordance with the specified requirements;
- information about the author;
- confirmation of payment (details for payment are provided to the author after a positive conclusion of the reviewer).
Sample of the name of files: Ivanenko_І.І._article, Ivanenko_І.І._payment.
The editorial office exercises the anonymous review of the articles for about three weeks.
The editorial office accepts the students’ articles in co-authorship with the supervisor only.
The publication fee is 1300 UAH. If the volume of the article exceeds 12 pages, the author should pay 50 UAH for each subsequent page after the 12th. The publication fee covers expenses associated with reviewing, article proofreading and editing, journal mocking-up and publication of its electronic version.
The journal’s electronic version becomes publicly available on the website duly.
If desired, an author can order a printed copy of the journal. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which is paid in addition to the publication fee.
Journal electronic version will be available on the website on March 31, 2025.
Authors who ordered a printed copy will receive it before April 30, 2025.
Address and contact details:
The editorial office of the journal “New Philology”
Universytetska str., 66a, bld. 2, aud. 324, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 69096
Tel.: +38 066 53 57 687
Official website: