Keywords: neologism, derivation, word-formation model, derivational base, formant, word formation with the omission of the derivational step.


The paper analyzes the structural and semantic specificity of verb innovations formed in the period from the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine to the present day. It has been established that the analysis of various aspects of neologization continues to attract close attention from the academic community, in particular linguistic schools of thought, around the world. The author traces the intensification of the creation of neoverbatives due to the influence of primarily extralinguistic factors, in particular, due to the need to reflect the procedural and dynamic nature of the surrounding war situation at the linguistic level. The tendency to use mainly common wordformation patterns for the production of derivatives, which show various shifts and deviations mainly in the semantics of the bases, is noted. The focus of derivational processes on the creation of units by suffixation with the involvement of atypical lexical and grammatical indicators is stated. The exceptional significance of structural and semantic analogies and associations with lexemes from the general vocabulary that are similar in formal and semantic terms is noted for the described processes. Attention is drawn to the polymotivation of certain innovations caused by the objective impossibility of recording all situational realizations of verbal artifacts in «live» speech, and therefore the impossibility of establishing the presence or absence of a hypothetical motivator in the place of a lacuna. The fact that some nonverbs enter into active word-formation relations, motivating the emergence of new, mainly prefixed, verbal innovations, turning not only into the zero link of the neogenic word-formation chain, but also into the top of the same neogenic word-formation nest. Some functional aspects are considered, the realization of which is ensured by the structural and semantic specifications of neolexemes. The prospect of further study of lexical and word-formation features of innovations of the period of martial law in Ukraine in general and verb derivatives in particular in the context of various communicative situations and spheres of human activity is outlined in order to have a comprehensive and more thorough study and description of the speech artifacts of the period of conventional confrontation.


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How to Cite
Diukar, K. V. (2023). LEXICAL AND DERIVATIONAL SPECIFICITY OF VERBS-NEOLOGISMS DURING THE PERIOD OF MARTIAL LAW IN UKRAINE. New Philology, (89), 95-100. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2023-89-13