Keywords: carnival, child rhymes, folk, pejorative, absurd


The article is devoted to the child rhymes features represented for the first time from the point of carnival worldview reflected through specific kind of poetics – the Carnival poetics. The analysis of special literature, devoted to the problem of carnival science proved the absence of a common opinion among scientists in terms of solving this problem.

There are considered the works of the modern philologists Yu. Kristeva, N. B. Dusina, W.°Pozhidayeva, who explore аn author's carnival discourse; there are defined approaches to the carnival aesthetics of fiction and determined, the children carnival culture is a particular antipode to the adult culture.

It characterizes the main parameters of carnival discourse, for example: a material and physical bottom, an interruption of binary oppositions, a familiar parole. The last parameter is the main element of phonetic-syntactic structure of children verses and is realized in the using of the pejorative and invective lexica.

It is founded out, the children verses are divide in three sorts: 1) rhyming verse with transferring rhyme to another stanza, 2) rhyming verse with acrophobic restructuring, 3) comic stanza. Common to them is an endless chain of rhymed morphemes and lexemes that do not have any meaning. Events are depicted as absurd, they are saturated with alogisms, there are violations of ontological and cause-effect norms.

The factual material, that has been analyzed, proves fully the hypothesis of carnival origin and the carnival nature of folk German fairy tales. It is identified, that the stylistics of fairy tales contributes to implementation of comic modality and is aimed at the creation of carnival atmosphere in a literary work. The linguistic means of all language levels contribute to this process – beginning with lexical, word-formative, phraseological if this is about the elements of language game and ending with textual and logicsituational level. On the text level there are various stylistic marks, for example epithet, antithesis, comparison and so on, the application of which creates the incongruity in child rhymes.


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How to Cite
VAPIROV, S. (2018). СARNIVAL ROOTS OF THE CHILD FOLK DISCOURSE (AS EXEMPLIFIED IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE). New Philology, (74), 21-26. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/106