This paper deals with the problems of lacunology in aspect of making and eliminating lacunarity based on the lexical nonsense material. It is proposed to consider the delimitation of semantic shades as translation losses. Also, we suppose that delacunization to a certain extent depends upon the mediator-translator.
The article analyzes the lacunar nonsense units that are seen as nonequivalent consonant elements being represented by the theory of speech acts and described within the theory of the cognitive dissonance. The author has described and illustrated how gaps can be successfully eliminated by the translator. The consonant elements are, in other terms translation gaps, which are also seen as are realities, exotics, neologisms, allusions, hints, implicit information, subtext, word games, etc. In translation, such elements may become irrelevant and cause cognitive dissonance.
Translation gaps have signs of an incongruent combination of elements. If there is lack of the thesaurus information, the nontranslated elements shall appear. Some censorship or other taste preferences or a translator can result in translation flaws transferring the source text. The thesaurus gaps containing in the original text alternatively can be left in the translation text unchanged.
The thesaurus lacunae may require some additional extra-textual or in-textual explicitation. These means that the translation text adding an author’s note or an interpreter’s note comments or both.
The internal work of the translator as transmitter can be successful or unsuccessful. In the event of mistakes in the work of the auction, there are false translations, inaccuracies and inconsistencies. Successful translation is not only successful delacunization, but it is also a successful transfer of the decoded information. The article considers neologic structures as being difficult to decode and transfer in the at random mode in a host linguistic culture. It is proposed to eliminate lacunae in retranslations relying on the first translation.
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