Keywords: comparative and historical methods, diatopic, diastratic, diachronic, diaphasic, diamesic variation of language, language changes; pluricentric language, the English language


The article deals with actual issues of pluricentric language homogeneity, theories of geographically disperse languages which have developed standard and nonstandard regional varieties. Variability is approached as a natural process towards modifications at any level of language structure, especially lexicon. The starting assumptions could be that variation is a number of coexisting and interacting modifications of one and the same entity. Variability rather indicates than catalyzes the instability of a system. It also inclines to equilibrium, stimulates changes developing in an entity at a given time. It is essential to focus on diatopic, diastratic, diaphasic, diamesic types of variation in pluricentric English, and what matters more - diachronic variation, mechanisms and results of lexical diversification. The research employs a set of methods including unilateral and bilateral comparison.

It is argued that the transformation of English into a pluricentric language can be modelled as stages of quantitative and qualitative diversity increase happening over time. Stage one (12th - 13th c.) is marked by the start of relatively homogeneous varieties of English with the Celtic substrate in the British Isles. Stage two (16th - 18th c.) reveals transportation of the British dialects to the New World, processes of their levelling in the new setting, focusing on the prestigious British models, and linguistic diversification to a greater degree. The latter was necessitated by the growth of national identity and search of verbal means to express it. Stage three (16th- 19thc.) coincides with enforced introduction of English as a language of powerful minority, increasing its prestige, and the development of English-based mixed languages in the environment of accelerated suppression of multilingual and multicultural communities. It can be concluded that the evolution of English lexicon occurred through quantitative and qualitative increase in regional, historical, and functional aspects of dialectal varying. On the whole, the history of English provides evidence that its diversification and unity are actually complimentary oppositions in the construction of a diasystem.


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