Nowadays, native literature studies are almost not engaged in the literary process in contemporary Austria, which, despite all its specificity, is undoubtedly an important component of the German and, more broadly, the West European literary space.
Сurrently there are not so many scientific studies on the work of Ransmayr. In general, the literature about him is presented in the form of separate articles that examine various literary or philosophical aspects in one or another of his works. The novel "Die lezte Welt" by Christophe Ransmayr became the main event of the Frankfurt Book Fair in 1988, and the epigraph from Ovid "Nothing does not preserve of its kind" is recognized almost as the motto of the era.
The questions of metaphorical formation of concepts were studied by such linguists as C. Baldauf, H. Hülzer, G. Lakoff, This article describes presentation of the metaphorical concept as a product and at the same time a producer of the metaphor. Papers are dedicated to an analysis of linguo-stylistic pecularities of realisation of the metaphoric concept as a phenomenon based on the material of Christoph Ransmayr's novel “Die lezte Welt”.
The scientific novelty of the results carried out that for the first time in the translation science was solved the actual task of establishing, describing and explaining the methods of reproduction of the metaphor in the German-Ukrainian translation of Christoph Ransmeyer's novel “Die letzte Welt” for the purposes of translation. Similar studies will contribute to improving the quality of the translation of fiction texts.
The significance of the study is due to the author's contribution to the general theory of the text translation in order to find and analyze the expression of the metaphorical concept “Die Welt” in the Ukrainian language and its methods of translation.
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