• Y. Y. BOZHKO
Keywords: youth slang, genesis, stratification, expressive value


The proposed article is based on the results of a comprehensive study of youth slang in the lexical structure of American English. The article reflects the theoretical evolution of the concept of "slang" and the complexity of the study of slang units in their systemic relations. Based on the chosen basic definition is the attempt of stratification of slang from the point of view of their functional area, the age of their carriers, semantic and stylistic level. The author notes that up to the present time among linguists there is a debate about the content of this phenomenon, which is aimed at establishing its comprehensive characteristics. Slang is interpreted in terms of its place in communicative acts, general lexicon, among stylistic means, etc. The analysis of the lexical units of American youth slang enables to identify the essence of an expressive evaluation of this sociolect. We identifiy and describe categories such as rhyming slang, mobile slang, student slang, slang of youth subcultures, social networking, and youth Internet slang. All kinds of slang categories are illustrated with examples. We could identify three main groups with different character of expression - tokens which represent negative concepts, lexemes which express a positive outlook, a token with zero degree of expression, which is neutral. Especially notable is that the prevalence of lexemes with a negative expression explains what positive qualities and expressions of man are the norm and require no special allocation in contrast to the negative. The study gives grounds to assert that American youth slang is varied and its translation can cause some difficulties. It is therefore important to watch out for context and on talking. A slang helps to express the ideas and feelings. For the American young people slang is one of means of communication. It constantly increases and develops. It attracts the attention of not only the young generation but also of the other age-related groups of population. Fully investigating a slang hardly will succeed to someone, as it all the time changes and modified. It is the basic feature of slang, that gives an opportunity to further researches.


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How to Cite
BOZHKO, Y. Y. (2017). THE GENESIS OF THE ENGLISH YOUTH SLANG. New Philology, (72), 21-23. Retrieved from