• H. V. VANINA
Keywords: means of PR-information spreading, verbalization, unit of language, lexical-semantic group


The term “image” has become very popular in different spheres of our life. This phenomenon is the subject of scientific research in such discourses as psychological, mass media, political, advertising, social, journalistic, PRdiscourse. It’s also become the centre of linguistic attention. The article deals with the lexical and semantical peculiarities in verbal expression of image activities. Image is represented as a part of the frame structure of the concept PR, that is the model of knowledge about complex activity for informing and persuasion the audience. For creating image in mass conscious a lot of technologies are used, language has been always very powerful mean of influence. So, communicative technologies of manipulation are widely used in mass media, in newspapers in particular. It explains the source of materials for the research. According to the main image-making factors verbal representation of image activities is divided into lexico-semantical groups for denotation of: spreading information about someone, creating image, promotion of reputation, getting popularity and support of the public, reparation and renewing of the reputation, boosting the image, destroyed and lost image. Common and distinctive ways of their representation in three different languages are defined. The most popular ways for describing imagemaking factors are: verbal phrases, in Ukrainian and Russian there are a lot of derivatives from borrowed PR; verbal phrases with negative connotation; verbal phrases with indirect meaning; verbal phrases that contain nominations ‘image’, ‘brand’, ‘reputation’, ‘name’, ‘PR’, ‘opinion’; phraseology; jargons; in Ukrainian and Russian for describing image activities there are lots of phrases the idea of which is connected with soviet ‘cult of a person’. The materials of the research have given perspectives for comparing nominative representation of image in different languages.


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How to Cite
VANINA, H. V. (2017). WAYS OF IMAGE ACTIVITIES VERBALIZATION (ON THE MATERIAL OF ENGLISH, UKRAINIAN AND RUSSIAN NEWSPAPER DISCOURSE). New Philology, (72), 24-29. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/152