The present article is a study of lexical and functional semantics of the adjective “CLEVER” belonging to the Semantic Domain of adjectives sharing “intelligent feature” in the language competence and author’s discourse. The dynamics of the components in the lexical meaning of the adjective structure is defined. The word connotative meaning differentiates between emotional, expressive, axiological and stylistic components. All the four components of connotation can or cannot be presented together or in different combinations. Let us consider the axiological or evaluative word meaning The word has an axiological component of meaning if it expresses the SPEAKER’S positive or negative judgment – approval or disapproval. It is closely connected with the object-logical specifying and supplementing it and therefore becomes a constituent of the dictionary entry definition. The lexical meaning undergoes some changes due to the ‘environment of the adjective which retaining a common feature can reveal its peripheral components. The position of these components is also changeable; compare: the lexical meaning taxonomy in the language competence registered in dictionaries and in discourse where the actualization of a certain component depends on the author’s intention. We would like to answer the question: ”What (kind of) information must the SPEAKER associate to the word “CLEVER” of a language in order to be a competent user of the lexicon to be understood by the interlocutor?” There come the problems of pinpointing the component actualized in discourse. The functional semantic research poses an important questions on the shifts in the componential structure of the lexical meaning as the word becomes a pragmatic signal that conveys a particular evaluation, precisely in discourse. The interpretation of the evaluative component of the adjective is mainly determined by the author’s intention, type of register discourse and its distribution. The article provides various views upon the concept of axiological component and shares with the author’s criteria of its development in the lexical meaning of the adjective “clever”. The axiological component of the adjective in general discourse gets a central position and tentatively models the levels of its development.
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