Keywords: proverb, corpus, teaching strategy, translation technique, equivalence level


The given article reveals in details aspects of engaging corpus technologies with a powerful linguodidactic potential (concordancer, parallel, reference and virtual corpora) in university students’ learning peculiarities of proverb translation. A brief description list of advantages and disadvantages of using the above-mentioned technologies in teaching language and translation in general as well as in teaching proverb-translation features in particular is reproduced in the article for constructing an instructor’s strategy. An own strategy for proverb-translation teaching is covered by the author from theoretical and practical perspectives. The theoretical point provides rendering proverbs by tools regarded as a single combination of used translation techniques (derived from ideas by V.S. Vinogradov: full, partial, loan, pseudo-proverb and descriptive equivalents) and kept equivalence levels (derived from ideas by V.N. Komissarov: first, second, third, fourth and fifth equivalence levels). The practical point is considered as a single fusion of employed corpus resources — concordancer (a program or program tool generating a concordance, namely a total list of searchedunit usage cases within corpus contexts) as well as parallel (a contrastive set of source and target texts), reference (a standardvocabulary corpus of a certain language that comprises texts of different themes: from TV and radio broadcasting texts to fiction ones) and vitrtual (the Internet space) corpora, — which allows designing a set of relevant exercises for studying mechanisms of proverb translation within the linguodidactic strategy modeled by the author. Respective rules and principles for compiling certain proverb-translation exercises (translating, analyzing and translating-analyzing ones) with a broad recommended list of motivation tools (translating the same proverb by different images, by each equivalence level, by celebrity’s words, etc.) aimed at mastering learned materials are described as well with revealing relevant examples that can be used by an instructor for teaching proverb adequate-rendering features for university students of the Translation major.


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