Keywords: proverb, intext, modification, polyfunctionality, English, deviation


The global structure of proverbs is being focused upon. Emphasis is paid to the change of functions of different types of small texts (proverbs, riddles and aphorisms). Proverbs do their best with didactic function, riddles – with control, aphorisms with the linguo-creative. The proverbs are classified as first footers, and their variants, in other types of texts they are notified as secondary units which are known for other functions (of evaluation, connotation). Proverbs are authentic – first footers, and they are open to radical changes in their secondary, derivation constructions. Proverbs are open not only to the structural modifications, but also to semantic ones; their global structures maybe radically changed and they maybe be converted into nominative units. Their vistas are topical and urgent. Assessment is to come in further investigations. Thus proverbs are not only small, they are full of value: they are objectivized in self-organization, self-control and self-make. Emergement and functioning of proverbs make their synergetics go.

The paper considers the differences between proverbs and sayings. Their common features (picturesqueness of images, belles letters loading) do not make them alike. They go together but apart. Proverbs are predicative statements, communicative units, sayings are not, they are unpredicative, separate blocks of sentences, they maybe converted into proverbs provided they (sayings) acquire the properties of utterances. The size of compared units cannot be decisive in attributing different zenres. Both of these units (proverbs and sayings) maybe reversed and are opened to further modifications. They are open to changes – formal and semantic ones. The dominant rules of their dynamics work in the system of language: herein adherent are syncretas of ontognoseological complex – integrity of subject matter of referents and the scientific cognition. The rheme (comment, idea) of any text makes it go, function and be modified due to the inner lows of language.


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How to Cite
SHVACHKO, S. O. (2017). PROVERBS AS INTEXTS: LINGUO-COGNITIVE ASPECT. New Philology, (72), 157-162. Retrieved from