Keywords: synergistic principles of self-organization of the text, order parameter, levels of self-organization, fractals


The article concerns with an attempt to use synergistic tools and concepts (self-organization of the text, augmentation of meaning, fractal); and to analyze the originality of English aphorism self-organization, explore the fractal nature of aphorisms in terms of their composition, syntactic, semantic organization and property of aphorism structure self-similarity. Parameter of order of English aphorism reveals in its two-part nature.

English aphorism structure consists of two elements: a certain thought and reflections of the author about it. These elements may not always be fully expressed, but they are always present in the aphorism. Typical compositional feature of aphorism is that these elements may be in conflict. It is this feature that generates self-organization of English aphorism on all the levels. At the cognitive level the formation of the author’s intention takes place. A specific feature of the aphorism is that it is closely linked with the human mind. The dialectical unity of language and thought is seen in aphorisms the most clearly.

Aphorism as type of a text aims to deliver some wisdom. For this purpose a subordinate purpose is implemented such as the objectification of various pragmatic attitudes inherent in English aphorism. The pragmatic level can only theoretically be separated from the cognitive one. On the pragmatic level the creation of language policies and codes for the purposes of discourse is carried out. Aphoristic utterance has the ability to accumulate extralingual information and to effect the recipient’s outlook; he is endowed with high persuasiveness and hidden intentions.

On the stylistic level of self-organization of English aphorism certain features have been revealed. Stylistic syntax is characterized by the phenomenon of actual division. Larger than a sentence units are much less common. This is caused by the fact that a majority of aphorisms are limited to one sentence, they are characterized by pithiness, informative brevity. Often the topic in aphoristic utterance is formed by the information which had not been mentioned, but the author implies that the reader or listener possesses such knowledge.

Fractal nature of aphorisms is realized in their compositional, syntactic, semantic organization, as well as in the properties of aphorism structure self-similarity which is implemented in semantic repetitions / oppositions including repetitions of different scales that generate augmentation of meaning in aphorisms. The principle of fractality is widely used in the texts of this genre, which contributes to their stylistic expression and higher pragmatic potential.


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How to Cite
ANASTASIEVA, O. A. (2017). ENGLISH АPHORISM AS AN ОBJECT OF LINGUOSYNERGISTICS. New Philology, (71), 8-12. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/182