The article deals with representing a mechanism of matrix reconstruction of the POLITICS concept as an information or meaning activated by the politics lexeme in the English-community mind, which is provided with a brief pre-research theoretical distinction between the network and matrix formats as possible tools of reproducing the POLITICS concept structure with the methodology of applying them (the former: the semantics of lingual networks by S. A. Zhabotynska – analyzing lexeme corpus concordances with defining logical predicates sorted by basis-frame propositions to reproduce a unit denotative meaning as a network; the latter: the component analysis by Ye. V. Bondarenko and R. W. Langacker – analyzing dictionary word definitions to establish a base-profile nomenclature of domains for structuring and actualizing a complete concept content contained within a lexeme). It is exactly the matrix concept model the author has constructed via relevant lexicographical sources along with a corresponding lexical-semantic field (additionally extended by means of thesaurus, associating and thematic principles) that is further identically analyzed to reveal new similar matrix patterns of the researched concept, which subsequently gives reasons for regarding the POLITICS concept as a probable geometric fractal. The author’s fractality forecast is drawn as a graphical infinitely-branching matrix model that is further interpreted in terms of the fractal theory by B. Mandelbrot. Thus, the author’s visual and mathematical analysis of the drawn endlessly branched matrix model of the POLITICS concept allowed finding out regular occurrences. Firstly, a fractal dimension D recorded in such equations as Nr0 =1 та D = In N / In(1/r) and has proved to be 2, which can be also a value of fractal dimension in case of simple geometrical shapes. Secondly, a range of several arithmetical progressions, angle and motion regularities of shapes have been established by the author within the model to illustrate how regularly smaller parts are geometrically similar to the whole fractal. Therefore, the author summarizes that the POLITICS concept has indeed a fractal nature in the Englishlanguage discourse.
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